What Are The Negative Effects Of Consuming Too Many Grapes?

Grapes are commonly taken in by numerous for the advantages they supply, which can be credited to their high antioxidant, vitamin, and mineral web content. However are you familiar with the side effects of grapes associated with their overconsumption?

Some such adverse effects include weight gain, stomach upset, and complications during pregnancy.

Learn more about the other potentially negative effects of grapes. Also, read about which drugs can interact with grapes.

Know The Flip Side: Grapes
Short-Term Effects
Choking in kids, bloating, allergies, diarrhea

Long-Term Effects
GI tract inflammation, abdominal pain, anaphylaxis, kidney problems

Drug Interactions
It interacts with blood thinners, medicines that treat psychotic disorders, and analgesics.

When To See A Doctor
Consult a doctor if you have allergic reactions like cough, headache, and dry mouth to grapes.

In This Article

How Can Grapes Cause Side Effects?

Grapes are small, and one may ingest a lot of them. One full cup (92 grams) of grapes has over 60 calories ( 1 ). The small size of grapes makes it easier to overeat them, and this may add calories.

Consuming large parts of grapes frequently may cause weight gain. Grapes do contain natural sugars like sugar and fructose, which can cause a spike in blood glucose degrees if consumed in big quantities. This is specifically real if one has high blood glucose and doesn't knowingly see what they eat every day.

Like most fruits, grapes also contain fiber. Consuming excess fiber could lead to constipation ( 2 ).

Fun Fact

Grapes are believed to be among the oldest growings grown as much back as 6500 BC, in the Neolithic age.

The majority of the unwell results of grapes concern their excess consumption. Though the adverse effects are not typical, it is very important you learn about them.

What Are The Side Effects Of Grapes?

The salicylic acid in grapes can trigger gastrointestinal issues. This happens if you overeat grapes. Eating too many grapes in a day might likewise bring about looseness of the bowels. Weight gain over time is another feasible adverse effects of excess consumption of grapes.

1. May Cause Stomach Upset

Grapes contain salicylic acid. Some research study highlights an intolerance to this acid, which is characterized by regional inflammation of the stomach tract, stomach discomfort, looseness of the bowels, and bloating ( 3 ).

Jesse Feder , RDN, claims, "Grapes are generally secure regarding acid reflux; nonetheless, it is best to prevent sour grapes or grapes that are not very ripe as these have greater level of acidity."

In some studies, individuals who had eaten grape seeds experienced appendicitis ( 4 ). Undigested seeds or the deposit of fruits might likewise trigger severe stomach discomfort. Nonetheless, even more research is called for in this regard.

Grapes might likewise trigger issues if you have cranky digestive tract syndrome. IBS is a food poisoning marked by continuous tummy problems like gas, bloating, nausea, exhaustion, and tough bowel movements. Grapes contain insoluble fiber that could stimulate the gastrointestinal system ( 5 ). If you have IBS, ensure you do not eat them on an empty stomach.

If you have acid indigestion or an indigestion, consuming ginger juice might aid. Ginger also aids relieve nausea or vomiting, especially in the case of pregnancy or other therapies like radiation treatment ( 6 ).

2. May Result In Diarrhea

Foods high in sugar may cause diarrhea. Some research shows that sugar alcohols, organic compounds found in sugar, may lead to diarrhea ( 7 ). However, there is insufficient evidence to prove if grapes contain sugar alcohols.

Grape juice may cause diarrhea in susceptible individuals as it contains simple sugars ( 8 ).

Some believe grapes may additionally trigger tourist's diarrhea. This is the type of looseness of the bowels you get when you check out a various area where the food or hygienic methods are various where you live. Unpeeled fruits are generally understood to create this form of looseness of the bowels ( 9 ).

Vacationer's diarrhea can be bothersome as you are away from home. You can reduce this threat by taking medicines like loperamide that can help treat the symptoms of diarrhea ( 10 ). However, if you really feel any kind of queasiness, vomiting, wooziness, frustrations, or fatigue, this might be an adverse effects of the medication. Do talk to your pharmacist or medical professional for the perfect dose.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that this medication may not be safe for

pregnant women and children under 3 years of age. Consult a doctor for more information.

Related: 10 Natural Remedies For Diarrhea + Causes, Symptoms, And Prevention Tips

3. May Lead To Weight Gain

Eating too many grapes in one sitting can make the calories add up quickly. Grapes are high in calories ( 1 ). Though there is no study that consuming too many grapes might lead to weight gain, binging on them could raise the threat.


Also, you may want to reduce the intake of grapes as a snack. Grapes are reduced in calories when compared to cookies and granola bars, but overindulging them might bring about weight gain over time.

Go with fresh grapes over canned varieties. Tinned grapes consist of two times as much sugar, and they can contribute to faster weight gain.

The concept that grapes may cause weight gain is not yet confirmed by research study. Nevertheless, maybe sensible to presume that one may overeat grapes as they are little. Make grapes a part of your daily diet plan-- yet be wary of the portion dimensions (8 to 10 grapes a day must do).

4. May Cause Complications During Pregnancy

This unfavorable effect can be credited to the resveratrol in grapes, which is a powerful polyphenol also discovered in merlot.

In a research study, resveratrol supplements were found to cause pancreatic troubles in the creating fetus. Though the research doesn't state anything against grapes, it is better to work out caution ( 11 ).

Some preliminary studies have shown that resveratrol supplementation could actually be beneficial during pregnancy ( 12 ). But by and large, studies are inconclusive. Please check with your doctor before taking grapes during pregnancy.

5. May Cause Choking In Kids

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Choking in youngsters is a widespread problem. Uncut fruits/vegetables normally can create choking in youngsters, particularly in those between 6 to twelve month of age. The exact same might be the situation with grapes. This is the duration when kids discover to chew and swallow food ( 13 ).

Uncut grapes are the problem. Ensure you give your toddler cut grapes to prevent choking.

The reason grapes are just one of the few foods that pose a high danger is their size and shape. A grape has near-perfect measurements to block a child's air passages. If a kid is choking, the complying with reminders can help ( 14 ):

  • If you can see the grape, try removing it with your fingers. Do not blindly poke fingers as you might wind up pushing the grape even more in. This might make points even worse.
  • If you cannot see the fruit and your child is silent or not coughing effectively, please call for help.
  • If your youngster is conscious yet still having a hard time, try repaying strikes. You can do this by laying your youngster face down along your upper legs. Assistance their head with your hand. Give concerning 5 sharp back strikes with the heel of your hand in the center of the back (in between the shoulder blades).

This quick video tutorial will help.

6. May Cause Allergies

Although grape allergy is unusual, it can be troublesome. The allergic reactions range from small skin irritability to serious anaphylaxis. A details protein in grapes, called the grape lipid transfer protein, is located to cause extreme allergies in individuals ( 15 ).

Though just a small portion of people dislike them, grapes can additionally trigger anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening ( 16 ).

Another study reports the case of an 18-year-old female student-developed itching, rashes, and facial swelling after eating grapes ( 17 ).

Salicylates are substances found in most vegetables and fruits, consisting of grapes. A lot of grape allergies are not lethal, besides anaphylaxis.

Anaphylaxis occurs by the launch of histamine and various other chemicals in the body. This causes leaky capillary, eventually leading to the swelling of cells in the mouth and airways (and alarmingly low degrees of high blood pressure as well) ( 18 ).

The best-known treatment for anaphylaxis is epinephrine management. Epinephrine is a chemical in the body that boosts heart price, and may elevate high blood pressure ( 19 ).

You can purchase epinephrine from your local drug store as a pre-filled syringe. It can be instantly infused into the upper leg muscular tissue once the signs of anaphylaxis are recognized ( 19 ).

If you are susceptible to such allergic reactions, keeping an epinephrine injection handy can help.

Related: 14 Best Home Remedies For Skin Allergies | Causes And Symptoms

7. May Aggravate Kidney Problems

Researches have actually shown acute renal failure in pet dogs after the intake of grapes. After consuming grapes, pets were reported to have actually thrown up. They additionally had actually experienced anorexia nervosa (loss of appetite), lethargy, and looseness of the bowels ( 20 ).

A report by the National Institute of Diabetic Issues and Gastrointestinal and Kidney Diseases suggests that individuals with sophisticated persistent kidney disease and diabetic issues restrict their consumption of specific foods, including grapes ( 21 ). Another research suggests restricting the consumption of concord grapes in those with kidney rocks because of their high oxalate web content ( 22 ). Though it is safe for most people, those who already have kidney stones should avoid them.

Though no research studies have straight linked grapes to adverse kidney effects in people, you need to work out care. If you have any kind of form of kidney ailment, please keep away from grapes and speak with your doctor.

Related: 13 Best And Easy Ways To Flush Your Kidneys Naturally

8. May Cause Cough, Headache, And Dry Mouth 

Unscientific proof recommends that excess consumption of grapes may result in scratchiness or mild itching in the rear of your throat or the roof covering of your mouth. This might be accompanied by a coughing or sore throat sometimes.

A study has recognized grapes as one of the foods that may trigger migraine or headaches in some people ( 23 ).

You might additionally experience dryness or a grainy sensation in your mouth. This is brought on by the existence of grape tannins, which might connect with the healthy proteins in the saliva. The proteins and tannins clump with each other and precipitate, decreasing saliva's lubricity and increasing mouth rubbing ( 24 ).

In addition to these side effects, consuming grapes at night may cause a few complications.

Side Effects Of Eating Grapes At Night

  • Sleep Disruption : Consuming grapes before bedtime may disrupt sleep, causing blood sugar spikes due to their natural sugar content.
  • Digestive Discomfort : Since the digestion system slows down throughout rest, it comes to be more challenging to process the sugar and fiber content in grapes.
  • Weight Gain : Overindulging in grapes at night may contribute to weight gain, as excess sugar can be stored as fat.
  • Acid Reflux : Grapes may trigger acid reflux, especially when lying down, resulting in discomfort and sleep disturbances.
  • Dental Issues : Unremoved grape residues may lead to tooth decay and bad dental health.

As gone over, grapes are typically risk-free. They are also exceptionally nutritious. But it is essential to recognize the unwell impacts they can cause. These fruits canister also engage with certain medicines. If you get on any kind of kind of medication, you ought to beware.

Enjoyable FactDuring the loss of the Roman realm, grapes were utilized in wine-making only in monasteries. However, they promptly came to be a part of social culture and, by the 16th century, were a staple at social gatherings.

Do Grapes Interact With Any Drugs?

Grapes can interact with the following drugs ( 25 ), ( 26 ):

  • Haldol
  • Phenacetin
  • Coumadin

This list consists of drugs that are broken down by the liver. People who are making use of blood slimmers must avoid excess consumption of grapes (periodic intake, in moderation, could be safe) ( 25 ), ( 26 ), ( 27 ). If you are taking any such drugs, you should check with your doctor before consuming grapes.

Grapes are a delicious and healthy treat, yet did you know they can have unanticipated adverse effects? Learn more in this video regarding the healthy and balanced choices to consuming grapes.

Infographic: Unexpected Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Grapes

Grapes are much better recognized for their taste and presence of abundant antioxidant web content. Although environment-friendly grapes profit your health and wellness in numerous methods, they need to be consumed in moderation. Nonetheless, excess eating may cause a number of side effects. Look into the infographic below to find out about the unexpected negative effects of consuming way too many grapes.

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Grapes are tasty fruits with a high antioxidant account. The powerful plant substances in grapes offer numerous health and wellness benefits. However, excess intake of grapes might create adverse effects. These consist of an upset stomach, looseness of the bowels, weight gain, issues during pregnancy, choking in youngsters, and allergic reactions. They may additionally worsen kidney troubles and communicate with some medications. Though they make a healthy and balanced enhancement to your diet plan, eat them in small amounts to stay clear of any kind of unfavorable reactions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do grapes increase breast feed?

Jesse Feder , RDN, states, "Particular research study on grapes and breastfeeding is limited. However, it has been shown that fruit consumption is important to having healthy and balanced breast milk for the baby."

Are grapes good for heart disease?

According to Jesse Feder , RDN, "Grapes can be a terrific addition to a healthy diet plan and are good for individuals with cardiovascular disease. They are abundant in fiber and antioxidants, along with particular substances that are believed to reduce negative cholesterol. This can aid individuals lower their possibilities of having damaging impacts from heart disease or stop it completely."

How many grapes can you eat in a day?

About 32 grapes can be thought about as one serving. Eating one serving is alright if you are currently on a healthy and balanced diet regimen and physically active. But or else, adhere to 8 to 10 grapes a day.

Can you eat grapes at night?

Yes, you can. In fact, eating grapes at night might promote better sleep. Grapes contain melatonin, the sleep hormone ( 28 ).

Can I eat grapes on an empty stomach?

You may have them on a vacant stomach. Grapes are rich in nutrients and antioxidants and reduced in glycemic index.

What happens if you eat grapes every day?

Grapes supply various wellness advantages due to their phenomenal nutrient and antioxidant web content. They might be advantageous to the eyes, heart, bones, and various other organs. Simply bear in mind to restrict yourself to eating no more than one mug of grapes daily.

What is better – green grapes or red grapes?

Red and environment-friendly grapes are both superb in their own methods. Nevertheless, some sorts of red or black grapes consist of more antioxidants than eco-friendly grapes.

Are grapes a laxative?

Yes, grapes have actually long been made use of as a laxative food as a result of the kind of insoluble fiber, antioxidants, and high water content they have.

Key Takeaways

  • Grape seeds contain cyanide, which can be hazardous if consumed in high doses.
  • Histamines, which can cause allergic reactions in some people, are present in grapes.
  • Grapes can increase tooth decay.
  • Some people may be allergic to salicylates, which are present in grapes.
  • If grapes are not completely cleaned up before usage, the chemicals and fungicides utilized on them may have hazardous effects on wellness.

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