Walnuts: 5 Major Adverse Effects + The Number Of Walnuts To Eat

Loaded with anti-oxidants and lots of advantageous nutrients, walnuts can be a great addition to your diet plan to fight nutrient deficiencies. Most of us even bite on them as a healthy and balanced snack. But are you likewise knowledgeable about the adverse effects of walnuts created as a result of their excess consumption? Are walnuts actually good for you?

Learn more about these adverse effects based on research study. Continue reading to know much more.

Know The Flip Side: Walnuts
Short-Term Effects
Bloating, diarrhea, stomach discomfort, anaphylaxis, itching or swelling around the mouth, kidney stones, and danger of choking in kids.

Long-Term Effects
May aggravate ulcers and lead to weight gain.

Drug Interactions
May disrupt the absorption of iron, nutritional supplements, and particular medications like non-prescription, anti-coagulant, and thyroid-regulatory drugs.

When To See A Doctor
If you experience deadly anaphylaxis or allergies such as hives, itching, swelling, or tightness of throat.

In This Article

What Are The Side Effects Of Walnuts?

1. Can Cause Digestive Issues

The fiber in the nuts might trigger stomach concerns if eaten in excess ( 1 ). Though walnuts (and nuts as a whole) may aid treat digestion problems, in some cases, they may aggravate the issue. Therefore, please consult your doctor before consuming walnuts if you have any kind of digestive system issues.

Other usual digestive system side effects of tree nuts (consisting of walnuts) consist of irregularity, bloating, gas, belly discomfort, vomiting, or diarrhea ( 2 ).

In other researches involving walnuts, a few participants reported numerous types of gastrointestinal distress, including bloating ( 3 ). Eating greater than 1 ounce of walnuts might present this threat. Walnuts have a high fiber and high fat material (30 grams of walnuts have 2 grams of fiber and 20 grams of fat).

Related: Home Remedies For Abdominal Bloating-- 19 Reliable Ways TriviaWalnuts are believed to be the most ancient tree food uncovered by male dating back to 7000 BC. They originated in Persia and were presented to the world by the Romans.

2. May Cause Allergies

Hatreds tree nuts prevail. The signs and symptoms include nausea or vomiting, lack of breath, problem in swallowing, itching of the mouth, throat, or the eyes, headache, and nasal congestion ( 4 ).

The most dangerous allergy is anaphylaxis. It impairs breathing and sends out the body into a state of shock ( 4 ). You may experience either a key or an additional allergy with walnuts. Main allergies include the straight intake of walnuts or their products, which can bring about anaphylaxis. Secondary allergies include plant pollen, which reacts with walnuts as a result of cross-reactivity (this is as a result of the resemblances in the nature of proteins in the pollen and walnuts). Below, the symptoms consist of itching skin inflammation, or swelling of the mouth ( 5 ).

An allergy to walnuts doesn't always mean you would be allergic to various other tree nuts also. However it is important to talk to your doctor prior to you consume walnuts or any various other tree nut-- extra so if you are quickly susceptible to allergic reactions ( 6 ).

Jennifer M. Rodriguez, a blog owner, shared her experience with nut allergies. She notes, "The top unintentional tree nut consumption for me is when I am consuming Indian food. Several Indian dining establishments in the Sacramento location have wrongly informed me that a recipe did not have nuts in it, and the next point I know, I'm consuming a nut or my throat is beginning to swell (i) .”

Related: Can Turmeric Assist Reward Allergies? How To Utilize It?

3. May Lead To Weight Gain

Walnuts (and nuts, as a whole) are exceptional resources of fiber and can aid in fat burning. But they likewise are high in calories.

Seven walnuts pack about 183 calories ( 7 ). Eating them in excess would certainly suggest more calories and might at some point lead to weight gain.

Research studies show that a diet regimen supplemented with walnuts can result in greater day-to-day energy consumption. This can lead to weight gain, although not really significant ( 8 ).

One way of countering this is to round out your meal with walnuts as opposed to having the nuts on their own because simply 4 ounces of walnuts include over 740 calories ( 9 ).

Though they are rich resources of protein, you can not change your much better healthy protein resources (like meat or eggs) with walnuts. Likewise, nuts, in general, require to be incorporated with pet proteins for a full amino acid profile.

However, some resources recommend that eating more walnuts does not cause weight gain ( 10 ).

Other study also mentions that walnuts might activate a certain brain region associated with impulse control. This suggests walnuts may assist people have much better control over their cravings ( 11 ).

Given the blended searchings for, we suggest you speak with your medical professional regarding taking in walnuts especially if you are on any type of medications associated with thyroid problems.

4. May Cause Choking In Children

Almost all nuts (and most foods that are firm) lug the danger of choking in children. These foods are difficult for children to bite with and damage down and swallow securely. Instead, they may get stuck in their air passages ( 12 ).


As walnuts are somewhat bigger than other tree nuts, they might present a higher threat.

If your child is below 7 years old, avoid giving them entire nuts as they would go to the risk of choking ( 13 ).

5. May Aggravate Ulcers

Because nuts, consisting of walnuts, are high in fiber, they might exacerbate abscess in vulnerable people ( 14 ). However, more research is required to establish this fact.

Like all various other nuts, walnuts are healthy and balanced. A large body of study highlights their anticancer, anti-inflammatory, cardio- and neuroprotective homes ( 15 ).

But it is important to make note of the negative effects and method moderation.

Related: Stomach Ulcers: 17 Home Remedies, Symptoms, And Diet Chart

How Many Walnuts Can You Consume In A Day?

It is important to be mindful of the number of walnuts to consume daily for optimum health and wellness and health. Even though there is no scientific consensus on the excellent dose of walnuts, an ounce of the nuts (7 entire walnuts) a day should do. You can make them a component of your diet plan and not overindulge.

Enjoyable FactWhile walnuts were called "Jupiter's royal acorn" by the Romans, Greek legend has it that the gods exclusively lived off eating walnuts.

Infographic: Major Side Consequences Of Walnuts To Keep an eye out for

While walnuts are applauded for their abundant dietary value and benefits for the brain, their potential damaging impacts usually go unrecognized. Overeating walnuts might verify to be hazardous to a few individuals.

Discover the significant adverse effects of walnuts you need to know in the infographic listed below.


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Walnuts are extremely nourishing nuts with many health and wellness benefits. They are loaded with necessary fats, anti-oxidants, fiber, and plant substances that boost overall wellness. Nevertheless, one should additionally be aware of the negative effects of walnuts. Overconsumption of walnuts might trigger gastrointestinal concerns and allergies, bring about weight gain and choking in youngsters, and worsen abscess. Though there is no well established dosage, it is much better to eat no more than an ounce each day. Taking walnuts in small amounts is excellent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should avoid eating walnuts?

Eva De Angelis , Dietitian Nutritionist, states, "If you obtain a breakout, hives, or have trouble breathing after eating walnuts, consult your doctor to see if you need to quit eating them. Also, due to the fact that walnuts are high in fiber, eating a lot of can trigger looseness of the bowels. If you have cranky digestive tract disorder (IBS), you ought to limit your intake of walnuts."

Do walnuts have tyramine?

Eva De Angelis says, "Walnuts are a source of tyramine. It is an all-natural compound discovered in foods, and our body creates it as well. It assists with high blood pressure law and beats clinical depression. Yet, way too much tyramine can be harmful. It can cause migraine headache and migraines. It can likewise result in a quick surge in blood pressure, leading to frustrations, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, sweating, fast heart price, upper body pain, and shortness of breath."

Are walnuts good for kidney stones?

According to Eva De Angelis, "Walnuts are rich in oxalate, and oxalate is among the reasons for kidney rocks. This compound binds with calcium and other minerals and forms kidney stones. So, if you're susceptible to create kidney rocks, walnuts are not a good choice for you."

Is eating raw walnuts safe?

"Yes, both raw and baked walnuts are very healthy and risk-free to eat. Yet, people that are allergic to nuts, have IBS, or have kidney stones must stay clear of consuming them," states De Angelis.

Do walnuts increase blood pressure?

Eva De Angelis says, "Walnuts have healthy unsaturated fats that may have anti-inflammatory properties, keeping our blood vessels healthy and therefore reducing blood pressure. Yet, since they are high in tyramine, eating a lot of them may be dangerous and lead to increased blood pressure." So it's far better to take in walnuts in the limit if you have high blood pressure.

Should we soak walnuts?

It is essential you soak walnuts. Walnuts and various other nuts include phytates. These are natural substances that hinder the absorption of some vital nutrients. Saturating walnuts can help reduce their phytate content, making them even more healthy ( 16 ).
You can saturate walnuts in a container of fresh saltwater over night (about 8 hours).

Are walnuts good for the liver?

Walnuts have anti-oxidants, omega-3 fats, and fibers which help in minimizing mortality in people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and reduce liver damages. ( 17 )

Key Takeaways

  • Walnuts may trigger bloating, belly pains, and diarrhea among individuals with lingering digestion troubles.
  • People with nut allergies should consult their medical professionals prior to consuming any kind of walnuts.
  • Walnuts are high in fats and calories, so eating them over may add to weight gain and weight problems.
  • Kids below seven years old may choke on walnuts as they are hard to attack with and swallow.
  • Walnuts have a high fiber content that may exacerbate abscess in susceptible people.


Too much usage of walnuts can bring about digestive problems, weight gain, and increased threat of cardiovascular disease. Watch the complying with video to find out several of its crucial side effects!

Personal Experience: Source

StyleCraze's articles are linked with authentic personal stories that supply depth and vibration to our web content. Below are the resources of the personal accounts referenced in this short article.

i. Enjoying Indian Food Nut Free!

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