Honey For Acne: 17 Ideal Ways To Use It For Maximum Advantages

You have to have listened to a great deal about the helpful results of making use of honey for acne-- a commonly recommended do it yourself treatment for quick relief. But, while honey may have a calming and skin-softening result, does it truly aid decrease acne? Well, there are opportunities. Nonetheless, if you dislike plant pollen, you might be allergic to a couple of sorts of honey, and in that case, you have to be careful.

Honey does not communicate with other acne medicines you could be utilizing. Consequently, it is risk-free for topical use but do a patch examination to stay clear of side effects. This article discovers why honey is effective against acne, just how it works, and what type of honey you have to utilize for best results. Maintain reading.

  • Raw Honey

Raw honey (or any kind of natural honey) is blossom nectar and is created by after they accumulate the nectar from the blossoms. Raw honey consists of propolis, a substance that the bees utilize to seal their hive, which has antimicrobial properties. In vitro researches have actually wrapped up that honey has medical usage and works on dermatologically relevant microorganisms ( 3 ). However, none of the studies are conclusive and need further research.

Honey is rich in antioxidants (flavonoids), vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and particular enzymes. It is non-comedogenic, which is why it is advised for acne therapy. Its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial antioxidant, healing, and cleansing residential or commercial properties make it valuable in managing acne ( 4 ).

  • Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is prepared by that collect plant pollen just from the Manuka trees found in Australia and New Zealand. It is a non-peroxide sort of honey, which indicates the enzymes existing in it do not produce hydrogen peroxide when related to the skin.

Manuka honey has antimicrobial residential properties. This activity can be credited to its low pH degrees and high sugar web content. Apart from this difference, Manuka honey shares the other qualities of raw honey. It also helps to recover infections and wounds. Its antioxidant content is likewise comparable to raw honey ( 5 ).

Morgan, a blog writer, shared her remarkable experience of using manuka honey for her cystic acne. Discussing her outcomes, she creates, "The cystic acne that had allowed, aching, red lumps on my neck had decreased and were no longer elevated and my skin felt far better than it has done in the last 6 months. I seriously couldn't believe exactly how reliable such a basic thing as honey can be on my skin. From that day I have been hooked on Manuka honey as a skincare product and it is currently all that I wash my confront with in the mornings ( i ).”

According to a study, naturally darker honey contains more antioxidants ( 4 ). Currently you recognize which honey to purchase for your skin. In the following area, we have gone over the methods you can use honey for managing acne in your home.

Did You Know?Besides dealing with pimples, honey might help reduce marks brought on by acne because of its injury recovery residential or commercial properties ( 4 ).

In This Article

How To Use Honey For Acne

Prior to you proceed, remember that even if the therapy is a natural remedy doesn't imply it's risk-free. You might dislike a great deal of all-natural ingredients. While one or two of the all-natural solutions may benefit you, and some might also have research study support, do not try out DIY solutions for acne. Your first point of contact should be your doctor.

1. Turmeric And Honey

Turmeric has been used in Ayurveda and Chinese medication for centuries for its antibacterial and recovery buildings. It has healing advantages and can boost skin problem, including acne. Nonetheless, refresher courses are required for a better examination of its effectiveness ( 6 ).

In combination with honey, it forms a powerful mix to handle acne. To use this, blend a teaspoon of turmeric powder with honey and apply it on your face. Wash it off after 20 mins.

Related: Turmeric Face Pack: Benefits And How To Use

2. Honey And Cinnamon Face Mask

Cinnamon possesses anti-inflammatory properties. A research study done of 20 people with mild to moderate acne found that cinnamon gel helped in reducing acne sores ( 7 ). Together, with honey, it can help calm acne and provide skin irritation relief.

You can mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder with honey and use it as a spot treatment.

Precaution: Cinnamon may cause skin irritation. While minor irritation is common, do a patch test before application.

Related: Does Cinnamon Have Any Benefits For Your Skin?

3. Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey For Acne

People can not quit raving about the effect of ACV on their skin and acne. It possibly functions by changing the skin pH level, which eventually eliminates the germs. However, there's no study support this truth.

You might dilute a teaspoon of ACV with a teaspoon of water and blend it with honey. Use the mixture to your face and clean it off later on.

4. Oatmeal And Honey For Acne

Colloidal oatmeal (boiled oats) has cleansing properties as it contains saponins i   X Naturally taking place compounds discovered in all the cells of legume plants, especially in soapwort, soapbark tree, and soybeans. that assistance get rid of all impurities from the skin. It soothes the skin and reduces inflammation ( 8 ).


You can boil oat meal, mix it with honey, and use it as a face mask. Maintain it on for a minimum of 15 minutes and afterwards clean off.

5. Honey And Sugar Scrub For Acne

Ground sugar is an excellent option for a natural scrub (due to its coarse texture). You can mix it with honey and use it on your skin. It helps to clean dead skin cells by gently exfoliating them. However, make sure to massage it on your face delicately. Rough skin peeling and massaging can irritate the skin and exacerbate acne.

Related: Honey For Acne: 18 Best Ways To Use It For Maximum Benefits

6. Honey And Nutmeg

Nutmeg is another popular DIY ingredient used in homemade masks and scrubs. It might have a slightly exfoliating effect.

You might attempt using it with honey, which stabilizes its exfoliating result and assists with skin moisturization. Mix a tsp of nutmeg powder with honey and utilize it as an area therapy or a face mask.

7. Sea Salt And Honey For Acne

Sea salt helps to improve the barrier’s skin repair function ( 9 ). Along with honey, sea salt may help soothe your skin, boost skin hydration, and prevent inflammation and acne.

Mix a teaspoon of honey with sea salt. You may liquify the salt in hot water and then add honey to it. Apply the blend to your face and let it completely dry.

8. Coconut Oil And Honey For Acne

Using coconut oil (extra virgin coconut oil) can be tricky because it doesn’t suit all skin types, especially oily skin types, and may aggravate acne . However, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is beneficial for inflammatory conditions like psoriasis i   X An usual, chronic skin problem that creates flare-ups, resulting in scratchy and scaly spots on the skin. and atopic dermatitis i   X A chronic skin condition that causes irritation, dryness, inflammation, and red rashes on the skin. ( 10 ).

Mix a tsp of extra virgin or cold-pressed coconut oil with honey and massage on your face. Wash it later on.

Quick TipYou can likewise attempt other carrier oils like wonderful almond oil, argan oil, and rosehip seed oil as opposed to coconut oil with honey.

9. Tea Tree Oil And Honey For Acne

According to a study, 5% of tea tree oil can help reduce mild to moderate acne ( 11 ). Nonetheless, make certain that you are not allergic to it. Also, dilute it with some service provider oil before utilizing it on your skin.

You can blend 2-3 declines of diluted tea tree oil with honey and massage on your skin. Clean it off after a long time.

10. Green Tea And Honey For Acne

Green tea might have a lot of wellness benefits when eaten. Nevertheless, its topical treatment benefits are not well-studied. People mostly use it for its skin-soothing impacts.

You can mix freshly brewed green tea with honey and then apply it to your skin.

11. Honey And Lemon Mask

Citric acid is the primary AHA i   X Alpha hydroxy acid; a course of natural acids that take place normally in fruits, milk, and sugar cane. normally located in lemon. This AHA may aid skin rejuvenation by improving the skin renewal rate ( 12 ). However, people often use lemon for its astringent i   X The building of a compound that aids draw out water from the cells, causing them to reduce. result on the skin.

Mix a few declines of lemon juice with honey and use it to your face. Wash it off after a long time. Beware while making use of lemon. As it is rich in Vitamin C , it may make your skin photosensitive i   X An abnormal response of the skin defined by certain symptoms or problems due to exposure to the UV rays from sunlight. Use sunscreen while heading out after using lemon.

12. Tomato And Honey For Acne

Tomato is stated to have a toning effect on the skin. It contains lycopene that secures the skin from photodamage ( 13 ).

You can puree a little tomato, mix it with honey, and apply it on your skin. Leave it on for 15 mins prior to cleaning it off.

13. Neem And Honey For Acne

Neem has been made use of for ages in Ayurvedic medication and home remedies. The essences of this medical tree have antimicrobial homes and are effective against S. Aureus bacteria (those cause pimples and boils) ( 14 ).

You can mix neem leaves paste with honey and apply it to your face. Clean it off after it dries out.

14. Red Sandalwood And Honey

In Ayurveda, red sandalwood or rakta Chandan is used for treating inflammation and promoting wound healing ( 15 ). People often used it in home remedies for its healing effect.

If you want to use red sandalwood for acne, blend a tsp of red sandalwood powder with a teaspoon of honey and use it to the damaged area. Wash it off after 15-20 mins. Remember to do a patch examination to inspect if you are allergic to it.

15. Honey And Olive Oil Face Mask

In rat and mice researches, topical application of olive oil promoted wound recovery, minimized oxidative damages, and cultivated dermal repair. In a regulated test, a blend of olive oil, honey, and sesame oil was discovered to stop infection in melt wounds. However, olive oil can additionally interfere with the skin obstacle function when tested on both human beings and mice ( 16 ).

If you intend to make use of olive oil, you might blend it with honey and afterwards massage it on the afflicted area. Let it stay for time and after that clean off.

16. Honey And Milk Mask

Milk has been used from time immemorial to cleanse the skin. It contains lactic acid and is believed to have a gentle cleansing and exfoliating effect on the skin.

You can mix milk and honey and then apply with cotton pads on your skin.

17. Aloe Vera And Honey For Acne

Aloe vera has an anti-acne effect. It also promotes the fibroblasts in your skin that produce collagen and elastin. This improves skin high quality and wellness ( 17 ).

You can mix freshly squeezed aloe vera pulp and honey and use it as a face mask. Keep it for some time and after that wash it off.

18. Aspirin And Honey For Acne

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Pain killers has anti-inflammatory homes that might aid minimize acne symptoms when utilized topically. However, clinical study on its efficiency is restricted. While some anecdotal evidence also supports its usage for spot treatment, more extensive researches are required to develop its dependability as an acne solution.

Crush 2-3 uncoated pain killers tablets right into a fine powder and blend it with 1 tablespoon of honey to develop a paste. Use the mask to your face, focusing on acne-prone areas, and leave it on for 15-20 mins. Wash with cozy water and pat your face dry. You can utilize this mask 2-3 times a week, however terminate if any kind of inflammation takes place.

These were some easy home remedies you can try at home for pimple avoidance. Nonetheless, you have to beware while utilizing all-natural remedies. Ensure that the honey that you are making use of is raw or untainted. You can also make use of manuka, honey.

Also, natural treatments might create negative effects, specifically allergies. For this reason, you must do a spot test prior to utilizing any component.

Acne administration is all about keeping a healthy skincare routine, both externally and inside. While you use acne medicine and attempt these treatments to take appropriate care of your skin from the outside, also make sure that you are eating healthy. A holistic technique is what you require to manage acne efficiently.

Infographic: Tips To Prevent Acne

Though it might seem that everyone needs to deal with acne sooner or later or the various other, a couple of pointers and preventative measures can assist you lower the frequency of its occurrence. Maintaining fundamental hygiene, healthy and balanced eating, understanding your skin type, and making use of suitable skin care products can go a long way in maintaining skin health and remaining acne-free. Take a look at the infographic below to obtain a clear concept.

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

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Honey is a preferred ingredient in natural home remedy. The anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and skin cleansing residential properties of honey make it advantageous in dealing with acne outbreaks. You may make use of honey for acne-prone skin by preparing face masks and scrubs. To enjoy optimum advantages, you can integrate honey with various other components like oats, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, sea salt, nutmeg, and cinnamon. The list of treatments discussed over may help you address your acne breakouts and avoid them from happening once more. However, always do a patch examination if you make use of these active ingredients for the first time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of honey should be used on the face?

Raw, unadulterated, and manuka honey.

Does drinking honey help acne?

Drinking honey helps in maintaining a healthy body and skin.

Can you leave honey on your face overnight?

That won’t be much comfortable.

Does honey get rid of spots?

No, you need to consult a dermatologist.

Does honey help with acne scars?

Mark management requires correct treatment and a great skin care routine. Speak with a medical professional for this. Natural solutions may not be that reliable.

How long does honey take to clear up acne?

Unscientific evidence suggests that using honey daily can help clear acne in a few months. Nonetheless, there is no clinical research to confirm this.

Does drinking honey cause acne?

There is no proof recommending that drinking honey mixed in water or various other beverages can create or get worse acne. However, it is widely believed that honey can profit the skin as a result of its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant residential or commercial properties ( 1 ), ( 3 ).

Should I wash my face with soap after applying honey?

No, cleaning your face with soap is never advised as soap can remove the natural skin oils and lower skin dampness. Ideally, wash your confront with warm water after utilizing honey.

Key Takeaways

  • Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of honey help manage acne.
  • A face mask made of honey and cinnamon can help reduce and calm acne.
  • Saponins in oatmeal have cleansing properties and, in combination with honey, help soothe and reduce inflammation.
  • The lactic acid in milk gently cleanses and exfoliates the skin.


Discover just how to use honey to deal with acne and for more clear skin! Watch the video to discover the all-natural benefits of honey and just how it can assist your skin reclaim its glow.

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