7 Remarkable Benefits Of Mermaid Yoga Exercise Position On Your Body

Mermaid Position looks rather similar to the really potent hip opening yoga exercise asana, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. It is a sophisticated means of exercising the Pigeon Pose. If done right, the Mermaid Posture helps in alleviating a limited hip and even nurses you out of a negative sciatica pain. Nevertheless, it is not suitable for those that have knee injury. Plus, being an effective pose that is actually difficult, it is not advisable for novices to practice without correct guidance.

Let us have a look at how to do the mermaid pose, but please do not practice this pose unless you are comfortable doing Eka Pada Rajakapotasana and you are an advanced yoga exercise practitioner.

How To Do Mermaid Pose:

  1. Start with Adho Mukha Svanasana, the Downward Facing Pet posture.
  2. Spread your fingers outside, raise the hips, and elongate your back. Equilibrium yourself on the heels.
  3. Exhaling deeply, flex the right knee as though it relaxes in between the hands spread out at shoulder width.
  4. Let the ideal ankle remainder near the left wrist on the yoga mat in such a way that the best knee lies close to the appropriate wrist.
  5. Stretch the left leg backward to make sure that the left toes are touching the floor.
  6. Applying pressure on the fingertips, elongate your whole body and pull the upper body from the thigh. Allow the tailbone loss closer to the left heel.
  7. Drawing down using the shin of the right leg and splitting your equilibrium between the hips, draw the best thigh in the direction of your midline.
  8. Pressing your legs, lengthen your back as high as feasible.
  9. Let the right hand rest on the right thigh.
  10. Bend the left knee and using your left hand squeeze the left foot.
  11. Draw the left foot as close as feasible to your body in such a way that the toes rest in the elbow joint's crease.
  12. Keeping the spine elongated, bring the right hand over your head. Bend it at the arm joint and grip the left hand.
  13. Settling the torso and hips ahead, put in stress on the legs to turn on the core and raise the spine.
  14. Maintain you look dealt with at the sky with deep breaths.
  15. Hold the pose for 10 breaths.
  16. After that release the left leg allowing it to prolong backward.
  17. Place you hands in front of the body.
  18. Tucking in the left toes, return to Adhvo Mukha Svanasana.
  19. Repeat the same steps with other side too.

This makes one repetition. Do 5 to 7 such repeating, unwinding for about 15 seconds in between.


An extremely solid pose, this can make a grace to your body with routine technique. Right here are couple of pointers to change the present to satisfy your requirements:

  • You can use a yoga exercise belt to hold your left foot if you locate it tough to permit the foot to relax in the elbow joint crease. Link the belt securely around the foot and hold it with the hands. This can also be utilized to strengthen the posture.
  • You can additionally do a partial backbend if you really feel the strength of bending backwards is a little hostile.
  • Area a covering underneath your hip for added assistance and padding.  

Benefits Of Mermaid Pose:

The advanced variation of One Legged Pigeon Pose features a range of health and wellness advantages. Here is what you can expect from practicing Mermaid Pose regularly:

  1. A stronger pelvic floor and core
  2. Freedom from back ache and sciatica
  3. A more versatile and stronger lower back, quad muscle mass, and hip flexors
  4. A better level of balance
  5. Stronger and more open shoulders and chest
  6. A better control over your sexual desires
  7. A more powerful and extra potent digestion system and reproductive system

A Word Of Caution:

Never practice this present in case you are suffering from any type of kind of injuries to the crescent, knee, or tendons. Prevent practicing the pose if you have a history of hip or shoulder misplacement. Always ensure that the foot in the front is flexed enough to prevent knee injury. Maintain the back prolonged and raised throughout. Do not push on your own beyond your limitations. Keep exercising for perfection.

Technique and patience-- these are both crucial elements you need to understand Mermaid Pose. As I pointed out in the beginning, it is not a great asana if you are a beginner, beginner, or have some knee injury. Nonetheless, you can attempt this if you have solid determination.

Are you comfortable with Ek Pada Rajakapotasana? Have you ever tried Mermaid Pose? What was your experience? Share it with us in the remarks section below.

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