5 Easy Reflection Strategies For Surat Shabd Yoga Exercise

'Initially was the word, the word was Satnaam'

This yogi bhajan is likewise the basic significance of Surat Shabd Yoga Exercise.

Surat Shabd Yoga is a spiritual introspective technique, which is based on the idea of inner light and celestial noise. Many spiritual and spiritual traditions like Sant Mat and Radhasoami follow this method. Surat Shabd Yoga is likewise called' Sahaj Yoga exercise ', 'the course of light and noise', 'the path of the sants' and 'the yoga of audio currents'.

Aim Of Surat Shabd Yoga:

'Surat' means 'interest' which is exactly how the soul outwardly expresses itself. 'Shabd' literally suggests 'word'. In Surat Shabd Yoga exercise, the term 'word' indicates the music of the spirit. 'Yoga exercise' means 'union'. Which is the major purpose of Surat Shabd Yoga-- the union of the spirit with the significance of the outright Supreme Being, making use of the vibrant force of innovative power bordering the universe in the kind of sound vibrations. Surat Shabd Yoga exercise reflection intends to help the individual in realizing his true magnificent self. Liberating the spirit from the cycle of life and death, Surat Shabd Yoga exercise helps in accomplishing knowledge and inevitably, moksha.

The masters of Surat Shabd Yoga typically explain the experience of this yogic reflection as 'dying while living'. The reflection involves attracting one's interest from the physical body and merging the awareness with the inner noise and light. It resembles the physical process of dying when the interest leaves the physique and the soul merges into the celestial cosmos and the Divine. In Surat Shabd Yoga exercise, one experiences the absorption of consciousness into the Light and the Sound in the state of complete awareness.

Meditation Technique:

The mystics and saints call Surat Shabd Yoga exercise the science of the heart. This meditation is additionally called 'Sadhna' as it causes moksha. Surat Shabd Yoga thinks that initiation by a Satguru is a must for an effective sadhna. This surat shabd yoga exercise reflection method is a straightforward procedure, however it requires practice to understand it.

1. Time:

Although this meditation could be done anytime and anywhere, the masters suggest to practice meditation early in the morning, before morning meal and possibly prior to sunup and also just before you go to sleep during the night. Make it a normal routine. This aids in coming to be proficient at this form of reflection. With regular technique, you can excellent it and then can do the reflection effectively whenever you require or wish to do it.

[ Read: Meditation Techniques And Their Benefits ]

2. Comfort:

The next thing that comes is your position and comfort. It is suggested that you do this reflection, like all other kinds of meditation, in a comfy position. You need to relax your body to divert your focus from the external world and transform it inwards. You can sit in a comfy chair, or in Sukhasana or Vajrasana. But maintain your back straight and do not allow it slouch. Convenience does not imply hunching your body as that disrupts breathing.

3. Dhyana:

Next step in this reflection is dhyana or concentration. Close your eyes and relax your body. Allow your breathing be natural; do not interfere. Allow your consciousness leave your physical body and attempt to take it away from the mental mess in your mind. Focus on the dark screen that you see in your mind and concentrate at the eye facility. Slowly you'll hear the internal noises, the internal songs, the shabd. Ggradually that dark veil will get replaced by colors and light.

4. Simran:

Simran indicates repetition of the Naam. This might be OM, Allah Hul, Vahe Expert, Jesus, Satnaam, or any kind of name that you think can lead your mind out of the mayhem. Our mind resembles a butterfly, it is restless. Simran is the key to make it focus and unlock to our inner being. Surat Shabd Yoga relies on the 'Panch Naam' pointed out by the old gurus in the scriptures-- 'Jot Nirinjan, Omkar, Rarankar, Sohang and Satnaam'. Keep duplicating the Naam to guide your mind out of the chaos developing inside your mind.

5. Bhajan:

Bhajan here implies the music of the heart. This step aids in paying attention to that songs. Squat down in Malasana, likewise known as Bhajan Posture in Surat Shabd Yoga, and put your thumbs in your ears to obstruct all type of external sound. Focus on the seat of your heart, your Ajna Chakra and gradually you'll start listening to the inner sound.

When you will successfully complete Dhyan, Simran and Bhajan, after that you will certainly merge with the celestial noise and the divine light. Feel the vibrations and the oneness with the almighty-- and feel your soul rise high up!

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