19 Outstanding Health Benefits Of Sorrel Leaves

Have you ever became aware of an environment-friendly leafy vegetable that is selected for its taste? Yes, we are talking about sorrel leaves. Preferred by many because of their preference, they are additionally rich in nutrients. The benefits of sorrel fallen leaves are countless and are acquiring the attention of numerous wellness lovers.

Although all green leafy veggies consist of several beneficial nutrients, the best equilibrium of taste and nutrition makes sorrel leaves one-of-a-kind. Want to read more about these fallen leaves and learn more about their advantages? Continue reading.

Know Your Ingredient: Sorrel Leaf

What Is It?
A leafy vegetable native to Europe and North Asia with a sour taste.

What Are Its Benefits?
It helps improve eyesight, immunity, and digestive health as well as aids in detoxification, weight loss, and wound healing.

Who Can Consume It?
Anyone can consume it except for people with skin diseases and rashes or asthma.

How Often?
It can be consumed daily in moderation.

Excessive consumption can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, and liver diseases.

In This Article

Sorrel – A Brief

Scientific Name – Rumex acetosa
Native – Europe and North Asia

Sorrel is a seasonal herb, additionally known as lamb sorrel, spinach dock, sour grabs and lawn as a result of its sharp, sharp and sour preference ( 1 ). The natural herb is usually puzzled with spinach and hibiscus. Sheep sorrel has spade-shaped fallen leaves and reddish-green flowers that transform purple after maturity, which represents their acidic nature. Its seeds are brown in color.

Remember the special Essiac tea? Sorrel leaf is one of the key ingredients in this beverage.

Nutritional Information

  • Sorrel is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, and B9.
  • It has high amounts of vitamin C.
  • It contains oxalic acid, which causes its sour taste.
  • Rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron.
  • Though it is rich in proteins and carbohydrates, it has a negligible quantity of fats.
  • Rich in flavonoids.

Now, let’s take a look at the different health benefits these green leaves have to offer.

Benefits Of Sorrel Leaves

  1. Improve Eyesight
  2. Help In Weight Loss
  3. Detoxify Your Body
  4. Prevent Cancer And Tumor
  5. Lower Blood Pressure
  6. Reduce Cold Sores And Fever Blisters
  7. Cure Skin Diseases
  8. Helpful In Reducing Milk Flow
  9. Prevent Scurvy
  10. Treat Insomnia And Hypertension
  11. Make Your Hair Healthy
  12. Heal Wounds
  13. Strengthen Bones
  14. Treat Anemia
  15. Helpful In Treating Urinary Tract Infection, Gonorrhea, And Hemorrhages
  16. Enhance Your Digestive Health
  17. Boost Energy
  18. Strengthen Immunity
  19. Help Maintain Renal Health

Health Benefits Of Sorrel Leaves

1. Improve Eyesight

If you have actually been experiencing vision problems recently, it's time you include these leaves to your diet plan to enhance your eye health.

Sorrel leaves consist of a good amount of vitamin A, which assists enhance eyesight and eliminate night loss of sight (triggered by vitamin A shortage) ( 2 ), ( 3 ).

Related: 15 Best Foods To Improve Eyesight Naturally

2. Help In Weight Loss

Anticipating dropping a couple of extra pounds to suit your hot little black dress for that supper date? Why do not you go with sorrel leaves?

Sorrel leaves are rich in many vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates. They consist of a negligible amount of fat and are reduced in calories. As a result, sorrel fallen leaves are a great alternative for health-conscious individuals that intend to lose weight.

[ Read:   Power Yoga Help In Weight Loss  ]

3. Detoxify Your Body

Sorrel contains flavonoids and other antioxidants that make it a good diuretic i   X Any substance or medication that encourages diuresis (excessive urine production) to flush out excess salt and water. and purgative i   X Any ingredient or medication that strongly encourages bowel movements, resulting in increased fluid excretion. . This aids in flushing out hazardous toxic substances from the body. Sorrel leaves consist of protocatechuic acid that aids in body detox. Sorrel tea and sorrel-infused water are frequently made use of for cleansing of the body. It additionally relieves bloating ( 4 ).

Related: 11 Easy DIY Detox Drinks For Weight Loss And Body Cleansing
TriviaAncient Romans and Greeks used sorrel leaves as a digestive and appetite stimulant due to its diuretic property.

4. Prevent Cancer And Tumor

Did you know sorrel leaves are also used in herbal cancer treatment?

The oxalic acid present in the fresh sorrel leaves acts as a preventive measure for cancers and tumors. However keep in mind to limit your consumption as extreme intake can be hazardous. Sorrel leaves contain chlorophyll and carotenoids together with many minerals and vitamins that help in fighting, avoiding, and dealing with bust cancer cells ( 5 ).

5. Lower Blood Pressure

In today’s day and age, we see a lot of people falling victim to hypertension i   X High blood pressure; a reading of 140/90 or greater suggesting that the blood is pushing also tough against the arterial wall surfaces. as a result of tension. Sorrel leaves can help maintain your high blood pressure controlled.

Sorrel leaves are rich in antioxidants that aid in lowering the negative cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body in addition to lowering general swelling. This leads to lower high blood pressure degrees and better heart health ( 6 ).

6. Reduce Cold Sores And Fever Blisters

Fever blister and oral herpes usually take place around the lips and the mouth and the skin around them aches and unpleasant.


Sorrel leaves are rich in flavonoids and oligomeric and polymeric proanthocyanidins that have actually shown to be useful in dealing with fever blisters and fever blisters.

TriviaAncient Chinese herbalists would prepare a medicinal drink made with water and sorrel leaves to reduce fevers.

7. Cure Skin Diseases

Sorrel leaves are like an elixir for our skin, fighting all types of skin diseases like eczema i   X A chronic condition with periodic flare-ups, leaving you with dry, itchy skin and weakened skin barrier function. , ringworm, etc.

Sorrel is abundant in vitamin C. As a matter of fact, a dish of sorrel soup can provide approximately 53% of the day-to-day consumption of vitamin C, which helps in the therapy of several skin issues and diseases ( 7 ). Dried sorrel fallen leaves are utilized to deal with itching and ringworms. Sorrel leaves, when used as a face pack, stop creases and tighten up the skin. They also have antimicrobial and anti-allergic homes.

Related: 24 Effective Home Remedies For Skin Infection

8. Helpful In Reducing Milk Flow

Sorrel is considered safe for women as it assists stop bust cancer cells. But doctors discourage the intake of sorrel throughout and post-pregnancy. It can be due to the fact that sorrel has some adverse effects and can damage the baby, and also because sorrel lowers the manufacturing of breastmilk. However, this effect ends up being valuable at the time of weaning when the aim is to lower and decrease the flow of milk.

9. Prevent Scurvy

Scurvy is a disease brought on by the shortage of vitamin C. Sorrel, being abundant in vitamin C, prevents and remedies this unpleasant problem ( 8 ).

10. Treat Insomnia And Hypertension

Hypertension can lead to sleep deprived evenings. And you know just how important it is to have an audio sleep. If you are sleep-deprived and are seeking a remedy to fix your trouble, here's assistance. Drink a glass of sorrel tea or add a few herbs to your salad. Trust me, it works!

Sorrel leaves are used to treat insomnia and hypertension ( 9 ). You can make sorrel tea with seasonings like cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger, or warm sorrel leaves with castor oil and eats it.

Related: 8 Home Remedies For Insomnia That Will Help You Sleep Quickly

11. Make Your Hair Healthy

Sorrel leaves are an excellent tonic for your mane. They can make your hair healthy, strong, and lustrous.

Sorrel is abundant in vitamins A, B, and C. All these vitamins are remarkable for completely dry and broken hair. They also stop and quit hair fall and treat baldness.

12. Heal Wounds

The anti-inflammatory properties of sorrel leaves come in handy when you want to treat any wounds.

Sorrel leaves reward ulcers, boils, swelling, and scorbutic diseases successfully. They can be utilized as a remedy for scorpion poison also.

13. Strengthen Bones

You know that these leaves are rich in calcium, so why not enhance your bones by including them in your diet plan? They are

especially beneficial for women as their bones become weak once they reach their 30s.

14. Treat Anemia

Most women become anemic due to lack of nutrition, and heavy bleeding during periods or post-pregnancy.

Sorrel is an excellent source of iron, salt, and phosphorus and likewise has chlorophyll. It aids in increasing the hemoglobin degree in the body and is hence useful for people with anemia.

15. Helpful In Treating Urinary Tract Infection, Gonorrhea, And Hemorrhages

Sorrel leaves can help treat various conditions like Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), gonorrhea, and hemorrhage.

The diuretic i   X Any kind of compound or medication that urges diuresis (extreme urine manufacturing) to flush out excess salt and water. residential or commercial properties of sorrel aid in the therapy of UTIs ( 10 ).

16. Enhance Your Digestive Health

Adding this marvel leaf to your drinks, soups, and salads can improve your food digestion by stopping different conditions like constipation, bloating, diarrhea, and lots of other food poisonings.

Sorrel or dock leaves are full of dietary fiber. 100 grams of sorrel has 2.9 grams of dietary fiber ( 11 ). It adds bulk to the stools, which makes bowel movements easy.

17. Boost Energy

Really feeling tired after a long day at work? Consuming sorrel can aid revive your lost power levels. Below's exactly how.

Sorrel is a decent source of iron ( 11 ). Regular consumption of sorrel may lower the risk of anemia. However, more research is warranted in this regard.

18. Strengthen Immunity

Regular consumption of sorrel leaves can protect your body from toxins and harmful elements.

The vitamin C material in sorrel assists to enhance and reinforce your immunity. The ascorbic acid likewise increases the WBC count and antibodies, therefore shielding your body from foreign intrusion ( 12 ).

19. Help Maintain Renal Health

Sorrel leaves are perfect for your kidneys.

The diuretic i   X Any type of substance or medication that encourages diuresis (too much urine production) to eliminate excess salt and water. residential or commercial properties of sorrel assistance in preserving kidney health and wellness. It boosts the circulation of urine, thus guaranteeing detoxification of the kidneys.

How To Use Sorrel Leaves

Sheep sorrel is most frequently utilized to prepare sauces and soups. Sorrel soup is a popular dish made with eggs, hen stock, and cream. Its pureed sauce is offered with fish. Youthful, fresh sorrel leaves are likewise mixed in salads due to their lemon-like preference. In Jamaica, sorrel leaves and blossoms are used to make tea, which is offered both warm and cooled. It is additionally mixed with buttermilk or used to prepare shakes and juices.

Let’s take a look at a few recipes now.

1. Sorrel Leaves Tea

Let’s begin with the humble tea.

What You Need
  • A handful of sorrel leaves
  • Cinnamon stick
  • 2-3 cloves
  • 1 cup hot water
  • Sweetener of your choice (sugar syrup or honey)
How To Make
  1. Boil water and transfer it to a pitcher. Add dried sorrel leaves and spices to the pitcher.
  2. Pressure the mixed water after 5 mins right into a mug and add sweetener. Your warm tea is ready to be served.

Note: You can make iced sorrel tea also. For that, you will certainly need to maintain the seasonings and sorrel over night in the refrigerator.

2. Sorrel Leaf Drink – Caribbean Style

Why not give your boring drink a Caribbean twist?

What You Need
  • 2 cups dried sorrel leaves
  • 1 tbsp white rice (uncooked)
  • 1 tbsp orange juice
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon
  • 8 allspice berries
  • 6 cloves
  • 1 tsp grated ginger
  • 1 cup sugar
How To Make
  1. Add sugar, spices, juice, rice, ginger, and four cups of water in a saucepan and let it boil.
  2. Remove from the heat and add the dried sorrel leaves. Cover the mix and let it set for a day.
  3. Strain the mix and refrigerate. Serve chilled.

3. Sorrel Soup

Sorrel is an excellent ingredient for soups. Here’s how you can make lip-smacking soup.

What You Need
  • 3 cups sorrel leaves, washed and dried
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1/2 chopped sweet onion
  • 5 to 6 small potatoes (cut into chunks)
  • 2 cups chicken or vegetable broth (your choice)
  • 1 lightly beaten egg
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Garnishing with an ingredient of your choice (coriander, yogurt or cucumber slices)

How To Make
  1. Cut the sorrel leaves in ribbons and place them aside.
  2. Heat the butter on medium flame in a large saucepan.
  3. Add onions and cook until they turn brown.
  4. Add sorrel and potatoes to the pan. Add enough broth to cover the potatoes.
  5. Bring the mix to a boil. Lower the warmth and cook till the potatoes are soft and well cooked. This will certainly take you an additional 15 minutes.
  6. Now, blend half the content into a smooth puree. Repeat until all the content gets pureed.
  7. Transfer it back into the pan and whisk the eggs with a portion of the soup.
  8. Add the egg to the pan and cook till the mix thickens.
  9. Your soup is ready! Add salt and pepper, and garnish with ingredients of your choice.

Along with these dishes, you can utilize dried or full sorrel leaves in a range of dishes. Below are a few intriguing ones:

  • Sorrel sauce works well with fishes.
  • Add them to your omelet mix.
  • Use them as a stuffing for meat.
  • Can be used in mashed potatoes.
  • Use with hummus and pasta.
  • Make sorrel pesto and use it on pizzas.

It is necessary to recognize where to buy the best quality sorrel entrusts to gain their benefits. Discover more in the next section.

Where To Buy Sorrel Leaves?

You can discover sorrel fallen leaves in neighborhood supermarket and grocery stores in well-stocked fruit and vegetables sections, specifically in areas where this herb is generally made use of for food preparation. You likewise can explore farmers' markets to obtain freshly gathered sorrel leaves. You likewise might examine on the internet food store and specialized natural herb retailers for dried sorrel leaves, especially if fresh sorrel is not conveniently offered in your area.

Ensure the sorrel you are purchasing is vibrant in color and not wilted or discolored.

A Word Of Caution

Like all other herbs, sorrel leaves too can have some adverse effects.

  • Sorrel contains a great quantity of oxalic acid. It decreases the body's ability to absorb calcium, bring about the formation of kidney rocks. Sorrel leaves that have passed their tender age have a higher quantity of oxalic acid. So, it is far better to make use of the tender ones.
  • Due to the visibility of oxalic acid, sorrel must not be prepared in aluminum or iron kitchenware as the acid reaction with the steel makes it hazardous and inedible.
  • Consuming high amounts of sorrel can cause diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and liver diseases.
  • People suffering from skin diseases or asthma should avoid sorrel.

Infographic: 7 Reasons To Add Sorrel Leaves To Your Diet

While countless environment-friendly leafy vegetables taste good, sorrel leaves cover the checklist. The ideal mix of impressive taste and high nutrient web content makes them an excellent enhancement to one's diet. We have actually assembled 7 advantages of sorrel leaves in the infographic below. Scroll down to understand even more!


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The benefits of sorrel leaves are countless. Aside from including an appetizing flavor to your cooking, these fallen leaves additionally promote total wellness. They can improve vision, aid in weight-loss, decrease the danger of cancer cells, and strengthen bones. These leaves can also detoxify the body, recover injuries, treat skin conditions, and boost digestive, renal, and immune wellness. Include these fallen leaves in your normal diet to enjoy their benefits. Attempt any of the dishes discussed over to enjoy sorrel leaves a healthy diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is sorrel good for diabetes?

Yes. Sorrel has anti-diabetic and antioxidant properties that help treat diabetes ( 13 ).

Can you drink sorrel every day?

Sorrel is considered safe to consume alcohol daily if it is consumed in moderation. Nevertheless, eating huge amounts of sorrel is hazardous and might create kidney stones.

Is sorrel the same as spinach?

No. Sorrel closely resembles spinach. However, sorrel leaves are richer in fiber, vitamins, and minerals than spinach.

Key Takeaways

  • Sorrel leaves contain minerals that may help reduce the risk of cancer and treat anemia.
  • Sorrel leaves may help detoxify the body, heal wounds, and treat skin diseases.
  • The vitamin C in sorrel may help build immunity and increase the WBC count.
  • Regular consumption of sorrel leaves is excellent for maintaining renal health.
  • Sorrel leaves are used to make sauces, soups, teas, smoothies, drinks, and pestos.


Intend to uncover the extraordinary health benefits of sorrel leaves? Watch this useful video currently to find out exactly how integrating them right into your diet can improve your total well-being.

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