14 Dangerous Side Effects Of Cilantro

Cilantro is a natural herb used in a wide array of cuisines around the world and is recognized for its flavor and the poignant odor it imparts to dishes. However, one have to likewise be aware of the adverse effects of cilantro that are primarily connected with its overconsumption.

This delicious herb finishes every meal and adds an one-of-a-kind aroma to the special. Mexican food uses it in nearly every meal. This natural herb additionally includes some medicinal buildings. Nevertheless, its adverse results are likewise getting interest. Find out more about them in this article.

Know The Flip Side: Cilantro

Short-Term Effects
Gastrointestinal issues like stomach pains and vomiting, looseness of the bowels, skin level of sensitivity, and allergic reactions like hives, swelling, and breakout.

Long-Term Effects
May cause liver damage and may cause kidney stones.

Drug Interactions
Excess cilantro intake may communicate with sedative medicines and drugs that reduce blood clot.

When To See A Doctor
Cilantro may trigger upper body discomfort, when this concern develops into a persistent problem it is recommended to consult a medical professional.

In This Article

Top 14 Side Effects Of Cilantro:

Here are the top 14 cilantro side effects

1. Liver Damage

Overconsumption of cilantro can take a toll on the liver and influence its activities terribly ( 1 ). It has particular unstable necessary oils that activate the performance of the most substantial organ of our body. It likewise has a variety of powerful antioxidants, which help in eliminating liver issues. But when you eat greater than the recommended quantity of the herb, you require these components to operate in the reverse order, increasing bile secretion and eventually damaging the liver. There is more research needed to effectively comprehend the connection in between cilantro and liver damage.

Related: Cirrhosis Of The Liver: Causes, Signs, Stages, & Treatments

2. Low Blood Pressure

Excess consumption of cilantro misbehaves for your cardiac health, this is among the damaging responses to cilantro as it may make your blood pressure plummet too low . A recent research has actually exposed that you may experience moderate bliss by including great deals of this natural herb in your everyday diet regimen. Besides the fall in blood pressure , it can also cause light-headedness followed by unconsciousness.

3. Upsets Stomach

Cilantro is known to heal several gastrointestinal issues . However when you take cilantro overdose, you end up disturbing your belly and developing different digestive problems. According to a medical record, usage of 200 ml cilantro essence (10%) for one long week can result in cilantro-induced gastrointestinal symptoms like severe gas formation, stomach pain, stomach cramps, throwing up and often even loosened activity.

Related: 12 Home Remedies For Sour Stomach: Causes And Prevention Tips

4. Diarrhea

In serious instances of upset stomach, you may establish moderate to modest diarrhea  ( 2 ). It has also been reported that this condition can get worse resulting in dehydration. Attempt to keep the quantity of cilantro controlled while including it in your normal meal.

5. Breathing Problems

If you already suffer from some respiratory problems, it is advised not to eat extreme cilantro ( 3 ) It can give you intense breathing issues that can ultimately lead to persistent lung diseases like cilantro-induced asthma . Sometimes the shortness of breath brought on by too much cilantro consumption can also come with dry and limited throat.

6. Chest Pain

Though a little unusual, some may experience breast discomfort after consuming too much quantities of cilantro. It not only creates extreme pain, yet can additionally come to be chronic in time. Therefore, see to it that you consult your physician before raising the amount of the natural herb in your daily diet regimen.

Related: 11 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Chest Pain + Relief Tips

7. Skin Sensitivity

The eco-friendly leafy natural herb includes particular acidic components, which can make your skin very sensitive to sunshine. In such scenarios, whenever your skin is subjected to the sunshine in addition to ultraviolet rays, you obtain sunburns. It may additionally make you prone to skin cancer cells. As a result, it is much better to steer clear of from the scorching sunshine or make use of an excellent sunscreen lotion frequently.

Did You Know?Cilantro is the Spanish name for coriander. The leaves are widely referred to as cilantro in the West, while the seeds are called coriander seeds.

8. Allergic Reactions

The healthy protein web content of cilantro is misinterpreted as 'destructive' by our body and an antibody named IgE is instantly developed within our system to 'counterbalance' their adverse effects. Cilantro allergic reactions leave you with itching, swelling, irritation, breakout, hives, and so on, upon overconsumption or straight call with it ( 4 ). The most extreme allergic reactions that you may need to experience are eczema patches, dermatitis, and cilantro-induced anaphylaxis. You may additionally observe cilantro-induced urticaria or dermatitis.

9. Inflammation

Another usual negative effects of cilantro intolerance is oral inflammation. Those acidic elements of the herb, that make our skin sensitive to sunshine, are accountable for this as well. Typically, the lips, gums and throat are inflamed in this problem, and you might experience cilantro-induced angioedema. Nevertheless, your face might likewise get purged while offering you a tingling experience.

Subscribe Related: Skin Inflammation: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatment

10. Fetal Damage

When it concerns cilantro and maternity, there are some things you need to know. Eating great deals of cilantro while pregnant can be dangerous for the health and wellness of your unborn child or infant. Some parts of the herb are known to interfere with the regular activities of the women reproductive gland, which can either create damage to the pregnant mommies or damage the total health of the creating unborn child.

11. Kidney Stones

Cilantro includes saponins, which have been linked to kidney rocks. When you consume this herb, your body breaks down the saponins into smaller compounds that are much easier to excrete from your system. Nonetheless, if you do not drink adequate water while consuming cilantro, the quantity of saponin that is being damaged down can boost and lead to the development of kidney stones.

12. Kidney Damage

Did you know there is a connection in between cilantro and kidney damages? Cilantro contains oxalic acid, which is poisonous to people. Oxalic acid is an all-natural substance located in numerous foods, yet it is especially prevalent in spinach, rhubarb, and lima beans. Eating way too much cilantro can trigger cilantro toxicity that might lead to severe illness, including kidney damage.

13. Issues With High Sodium

Cilantro is high in salt web content. One cup of cilantro has about 1,000 milligrams of salt, which is nearly dual the suggested everyday intake. If you are attempting to cut down on salt consumption, stay clear of adding cilantro to your diet.

14. Hallucinations, Confusion, And Seizures

Cilantro includes thujone, which is a neurotoxin. Thujone is a chemical substance that happens normally in clove oil. It is made use of in herbal medicine to deal with various problems, however extreme amounts of thujone can cause hallucinations, complication, and seizures.

Additionally, some individuals may not choose cilantro's soapy preference. Andrew Barney, a blog owner, spoke about his dislike for cilantro. He said "My tongue continues to feel numb most of the moment, and even if not, the taste remains in my mouth for hours. Making it virtually difficult to consume another thing instead. It actually damages the whole mood, and typically the day ( i ).”

TriviaCilantro is stated in the Bible during Moses' time. This natural herb was also uncovered in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tut-ankh-Amon.

Infographic: Most Dangerous Side Effects Of Cilantro

Cilantro is an herb which is used in a selection of meals, popular for its flavor and particular odor. Eating it in small amounts is healthy and balanced, yet overconsumption of cilantro can cause some major adverse effects in the future.

Check out the most dangerous side effects of cilantro in the infographic listed below.


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Cilantro is a natural herb used for the one-of-a-kind fragrance and flavor it contributes to meals. It is a part of many cuisines throughout the world. However, one must also consider the side effects of cilantro, which are connected with its overconsumption. This natural herb might worsen breathing problems, looseness of the bowels, breast discomfort, and oral inflammation. Various other serious negative effects include liver damage and hypotension. It may also activate allergies and skin sensitivity. Hence, care is encouraged.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it OK to eat raw cilantro?

Mary Sabat , RDN, LD, CPT, claims, "People do not commonly consume raw cilantro because the flavor can be rather strong and unpleasant. Nonetheless, cilantro in a smoothie would certainly be great."

Is cilantro good for your gut and bladder?

Sabat states, "Cilantro has antioxidant and antimicrobial residential properties, and it can assist boost digestion and support the health and wellness of the gut and bladder."

Can cilantro make you dizzy?

Yes, an allergic reaction to cilantro can result in the growth of signs and symptoms such as lightheadedness ( 5 ).

Can you get food poisoning from cilantro?

Yes, usage of cilantro has actually been associated with cyclosporiasis outbreaks ( 6 ). This is a sort of ailment triggered by food polluted with Cyclospora cayetanensis parasite.

Key Takeaways

  • Cilantro has some hazardous adverse effects that might cause health concerns.
  • You ought to not utilize cilantro if you are allergic to it and experience rashes and itching.
  • Ensure you only consume this herb in small amounts to avoid gastrointestinal concerns like abdominal pain and looseness of the bowels.
  • Anyone with a history of liver condition must not consume cilantro to avoid additional problems.


Cilantro is a popular herb, yet it can have harmful side effects. Find out about the dangers and how to stay secure in this video.

Personal Experience: Source

StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic individual stories that supply depth and resonance to our material. Below are the sources of the individual accounts referenced in this short article.


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