14 Proven Advantages Of Niacin, Dosage, And Negative Effects

Niacin profits our body in various ways. It is crucial for cellular and DNA health and wellness. Likewise called vitamin B3, much of us recognize it just as a prescription medication. But as you dig deeper, you will be shocked to know its potential. This article explores what niacin is, its advantages, suggested daily dosage, the foods abundant in this nutrient, and a lot more. Keep scrolling!

Did You Know?Niacin was first described by Austrian chemist Hugo Weidel while studying nicotine in 1873.

In This Article

What Is Niacin?

Additionally called vitamin B3, this nutrient is water-soluble and found in numerous usual foods like meat, tuna fish, seeds, mushrooms, etc. It belongs of the B-complex vitamins , which also include thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), and others.

Niacin is the medical name of vitamin B3 and can be found in 3 kinds-- nicotinic acid, niacinamide (likewise called nicotinamide), and inositol hexaniacinate. It is a crucial vitamin and benefits one in a number of methods-- right from securing the heart and boosting metabolic process to boosting mind feature and assisting diabetes mellitus therapy ( 1 ).

Nicotinic acid works as a supplement and is used to treat high blood cholesterol and heart disease. Niacinamide can help treat type 1 diabetes, certain skin conditions, and schizophrenia i   X A mental disorder that harms one's capability for idea, emotion, and habits and is characterized by hallucinations and deceptions. (it does not reduced cholesterol, though). Therefore, specific kinds of niacin offer you specific benefits. We strongly recommend you consult your medical professional to understand which is which.

Well, the advantages are so many. Yet prior to we speak about just how niacin benefits your health, we need to first recognize just how niacin works.

How Does Niacin Work?

In simple terms, niacin helps the enzymes do their job. Specifically speaking, niacin is a major component of NAP and NADP, which are two coenzymes involved in cellular metabolism. Niacin also prepares and repairs DNA and even works as an antioxidant.

But hey, how will you know if you are getting enough niacin? The next section can help you understand.

What Are The Symptoms Of Niacin Deficiency?

This deficiency occurs not just when you do not obtain sufficient niacin but also when your body can't absorb tryptophan, its amino acid forerunner.

Following are the symptoms of niacin deficiency:

  • Fatigue
  • Indigestion
  • Vomiting
  • Canker sores i   X An uncomfortable, non-contagious, shallow aching that establishes inside the mouth or at the periodontal line, prompted by anxiety, acidic foods, or injury.
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

Serious deficiency of niacin (likewise called pellagra, which we will certainly review later in this post) can result in the following signs:

  • Scaly rashes on the skin exposed to sunlight
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Apathy
  • Disorientation
  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • Swollen mouth

Consuming adequate niacin not only prevents these symptoms, but, more importantly, offers certain significant benefits.

What Are The Benefits Of Niacin (Vitamin B3)?

Though specific sustained advantages of niacin have clashing evidence, this vitamin does improve skin and brain health and wellness, along with boosting food digestion and arthritis signs and symptoms.

1. Improves Heart Health

Niacin is frequently utilized to boost the degrees of excellent cholesterol, which, in turn, reduces the bad cholesterol-- ultimately reinforcing the heart ( 2 ). Niacin works by blocking the way your liver makes cholesterol.

But hold on-- niacin appears to function only in those individuals who are currently on cholesterol drugs. And resources likewise mention that it can typically cause awkward and hazardous adverse effects. Therefore, ensure you talk to your physician before taking niacin for your heart as there is contrasting proof hereof.

Related: 11 Best Exercises For Heart Health To Reduce The Risk Of Stroke

2. Might Help Treat Type 1 Diabetes

This could be true with kind 1 diabetes, where the immune system mistakenly attacks the cells in the pancreatic that generate insulin. Niacinamide might protect these cells for some time. However we need extra research to comprehend if niacin can assist with diabetes monitoring in the long run ( 3 ).

High dose of niacin additionally had actually reduced the risk of kind 1 diabetes in kids who were at threat, yet that was the result of just one initial study.

3. Can Improve Skin And Hair Health

Niacin is known to increase the water material in the skin-- and this can be achieved by topically using nicotinamide cream. The cream was also discovered to help deal with acne.

Niacin additionally has advantageous results for rosacea, which is a skin problem that creates red facial skin, flushing, pustules, and red bumps.

Niacin is additionally recognized to be valuable for skin cancer cells avoidance. Researches have shown that it can protect against premalignant cells from becoming deadly. And speaking about anti-aging , niacin does play its part. One research revealed that topical niacinamide helped reduce penalty lines and creases and other concerns with skin elasticity interested in aging. Thus, Niacin can be effective in boosting overall skin wellness.


Some reports say that niacin helps improve the health of the hair follicles.

4. Boosts Brain Function

Niacin can efficiently enhance brain health and wellness or mental health and wellness-- it is so important to the mind that brain haze and certain other psychological signs have been associated with its deficiency ( 4 ). Also, research has shown that some forms of schizophrenia i   X A mental disorder that hinders one's capability for idea, emotion, and actions and is characterized by hallucinations and delusions. can be treated with niacin-- as the vitamin assists undo the damages done to the mind ( 5 ).

Niacin can also avoid amnesia in the senior and aid in depression treatment. It can maintain the brain healthy in the case of Alzheimer's disease i   X A mind condition that aggravates over time, diminishes and eliminates brain cells, resulting in dementia, complication, and memory loss. It has also aided in specific situations to reduce the progression of Parkinson's condition. Nevertheless, the outcomes have actually been mixed.

Karl Gesslein, a blog writer, shares the critical role Vitamin B3, or Niacin, played in his treatment when he was battling with serious clinical depression and mental disease: "Niacin conserved my life, and I don't comprehend why the general public is uninformed that a straightforward vitamin could aid serious mental disorders ( i ).”

5. Helps Treat Arthritis

According to the Arthritis Foundation, niacinamide might improve osteoarthritis i   X A kind of joint inflammation that establishes as the pliable cells at the ends of bones ages and puts on down. by reducing swelling ( 6 ). Nonetheless, the information right here is minimal, and we suggest you to talk with your physician before selecting any type of techniques for arthritis alleviation.

Related: How To Use Castor Oil To Treat Arthritis

6. Helps Treat Pellagra

Remember we mentioned this? Pellagra is a condition that takes place because of not enough niacin (or tryptophan) in the diet plan. This disease is most usual in those parts of the globe where individuals consume a lot of corn ( 7 ). It affects the skin, the digestive system, and the brain.

Since pellagra is caused by niacin deficiency, it is but obvious that supplementing niacin can help treat the condition.

7. Can Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Research studies have actually concluded that niacin can boost guys's ability to maintain an erection if they are struggling with erectile dysfunction. Because it is simply a vitamin, specialists really feel using niacin is an easy and safe means to treat impotence and impotence ( 8 ).

Additionally, impotence might be brought on by inflammation of the blood vessels. The anti-inflammatory residential properties of niacin entered the photo right here.

But in instance you currently get on medicine for treating impotence, speak to your doctor prior to you take niacin. This is since the former might often lower high blood pressure levels, and so does niacin. Both, in combination, might lower your blood pressure way too much.

8. Helps Treat Insomnia

Niacin is stated to help with sleep conditions. Though we have actually limited evidence, certain studies recommend that niacin could boost REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement, which is the deep state of sleep).

Related: 8 Home Remedies For Insomnia That Will Help You Sleep Quickly

9. Treats Sun Sensitivity

Photodermatitis, a condition related to sun sensitivity, is recognized to be triggered because of a shortage of niacin. Pellagra, the disease brought on by inadequate niacin, is additionally linked to sunlight level of sensitivity ( 9 ).

Not just that, niacin has been identified to have preventive impacts versus skin cancer cells, a condition whose likelihood boosts with sunlight level of sensitivity ( 10 ).

10. Can Prevent Motion Sickness

We have very little research on this. One report says niacin might help prevent motion sickness ( 11 ). But please consult your doctor in this regard.

11. Helps With Detoxification

Just how niacin aids with detoxification is quite fascinating. It ruptures the fat cells storing contaminants, and this releases the kept toxins and eventually removes them. This sensation is called lipolysis.

12. Boosts Energy

Niacin is quite essential to the body when it involves energy production. Without the vitamin, your body simply can not transform the protein, carbohydrates, and fat right into functional power.

Niacin is one of the B vitamins that assist you obtain power from the food you eat. It additionally aids in the development of red blood cells.

13. Can Promote Longevity

Roundworms fed with niacin food supplements lived much longer, according to one study. The research study states that niacin techniques the body right into thinking that it is working out, despite the fact that it isn't. In fact, such substances are called exercise mimetics-- of which niacin is one ( 12 ).

The metabolic pathway initiated by niacin in roundworms resembles that of greater microorganisms, and this can consist of humans too.

14. Promotes Digestion

Niacin contributes in the failure of carbs, fats, and alcohol-- which is an important feature of the digestive system tract. Likewise, a few of the symptoms of niacin shortage include abdominal pain and constipation.

We saw exactly how niacin benefits health. But this does not mean you begin loading on your own up with niacin. There is a limit to whatever you take.

What Is The Recommended Daily Allowance Of Niacin (Vitamin B3)?

The following table will give you the information.

Birth to 6 months 2 mg
7 to 12 months 4 mg
1 to 3 years 6 mg
4 to 8 years 8 mg
9 to 13 years 12 mg
14 years and above (male) 16 mg
14 years and above (female) 14 mg
Pregnant women 18 mg
Breastfeeding women 17 mg

The upper limit of niacin for adults of all ages is 35 milligrams daily.

That’s about the dosage. But how do you ensure you get enough niacin daily?

What Are The Foods Rich In Niacin (Vitamin B3)?

Most foods that we regularly consume contain niacin. The richest food sources of niacin include:

  • Turkey Breast: 1 turkey breast contains 101 mg of niacin (over 100% of daily value).
  • Peanuts: 1 cup of peanuts contains 21.9 mg (over 100% DV).
  • Beef Liver: 1 slice of beef liver contains 11.9 mg (60% DV).
  • Tuna: 3 oz of tuna contains 11.3 mg (56% DV).
  • Chicken Breast: 3 oz of chicken breast contains 8.9 mg (44% DV).
  • Grass-Fed Beef: 3 oz of grass-fed beef contains 7.6 mg (36% DV).
  • Mushrooms: 1 cup of mushrooms contains 7.6 mg (34% DV).
  • Sunflower Seeds: 1 cup of sunflower seeds contains 3.8 mg (19% DV).
  • Green Peas: 1 cup of green peas contains 3 mg (15% DV).
  • Avocado: 1 whole avocado contains 3.5 mg (17% DV).

Quick TipBoiling and poaching food might result in the loss of niacin. You can prepare niacin-rich vegetables in a percentage of water or mix fry them to retain the nutrients.
And in case you are wondering…

How To Add More Niacin To Your Diet

Almost speaking, you don't need to-- if you already are getting sufficient of it with your regular diet. But in case you are not, you can supplement.

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey carried out between 2017 and March 2020 on 9,924 Americans, 23.5% of young individuals and 31.5% of grownups reported making use of multivitamin-mineral supplements. Amongst those, 44.9% of young individuals and 63.7% of grownups specified that they took the supplement consistently for all thirty days.

Niacin supplements are typically suggested for individuals that have high cholesterol and go to a heart disease risk and can't take statins. Supplemental types normally have a lot greater doses-- and big amounts can have negative effects. Thus, speak to your doctor prior to you utilize supplements.

And wait, side effects.

Any Side Effects Of Niacin?

Some of the side effects of excess niacin intake include:

  • Niacin Flush

This is one of the most usual (and often instant) side effect of niacin consumption. It happens when one takes more than 100 mg of niacin each time. It is safe, though. The flush begins on your face and may travel to your breast and arms, and ultimately disappears in 30 minutes to two hours.

  • Allergies

Niacin can aggravate allergies because it releases histamine, which is a chemical responsible for allergies.

  • Irregular Heartbeat

Large amounts of niacin can cause irregular heartbeat.

  • Issues With Diabetes

Niacin might increase blood sugar.

  • Might Lower Blood Pressure Way Too Much

Don't take niacin if you have reduced blood pressure. If you are on high blood pressure medication, talk to your medical professional prior to taking niacin.

  • Other Issues

Niacin can make things worse for individuals with kidney or liver disease and those with stomach ulcers . So, it is recommended to avoid its intake if you are suffering from any of these.

  • Issues With Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

Niacin is secure for both expecting and breastfeeding ladies when taken in the suggested quantities. Don't surpass the limits.

If your physician has suggested niacinamide supplements, store them properly to ensure their longevity and performance. Check out the following area to learn just how.

How To Store Niacin

Niacin supplements usually come in bottles or blister packs. Here is how you should store them:

  • Keep them in their original packaging and close the container tightly after use to prevent moisture from getting inside.
  • Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  • Use them before they expire to ensure their potency and effectiveness.
  • Keep them away from children and pets.

Additionally, check the manufacturer’s recommendations on the packaging and store your niacin supplements accordingly.

Infographic: Warnings And Precautions Before Taking Niacin

Now that you are aware of what niacin is and its benefits for your wellness, let's look at the precaution you need to take previously taking this supplement. You have to also stay clear of taking niacin totally under specific circumstances. Remember to review the factors provided in the infographic listed below with your physician and pharmacologist.


Get the high-quality PDF version of this infographic.


Niacin is a B-complex vitamin that plays an important in the wellness of your DNA and cells and aids in the procedure of enzymes. Several of the wellness benefits of niacin include decreasing cholesterol levels, the danger of cardiovascular disease and type 1 diabetic issues, and arthritis symptoms. It might additionally help in treating impotence, boosting mind health, and advertising sleep. Nonetheless, if you lack this micronutrient, you may experience signs and symptoms like exhaustion, depression, canker sores i   X An uncomfortable, non-contagious, shallow aching that creates inside the mouth or at the gum line, induced by anxiety, acidic foods, or injury., vomiting, amnesia, scaly breakouts, and an inflamed mouth. Foods like turkey breast, peanuts, beef liver, hen bust, and mushrooms are rich in niacin, so consume them as high as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I take niacin?

Medical experts advise taking an immediate-release kind soon after having your evening dishes, or an extended-release kind after taking a light treat at going to bed. It is not suggested to take it on an empty stomach to avoid flushing and stomach pain.

Does niacin clean your arteries?

No. Niacin can increase HDL (good cholesterol) degrees in the body, which was when thought to minimize LDL degrees and clear arteries ( 13 ). However, recent studies found that increased HDL levels may not lower LDL levels that cause plaques in the arteries ( 14 ).

Does niacin cause weight gain?

Yes. Niacin is an appetite stimulant that may additionally generate insulin resistance, resulting in weight gain when absorbed extreme dosages ( 15 ).

Is B12 the same as niacin?

No. Niacin is Vitamin B3 which controls cholesterol and triglyceride degrees in the human body. B12 help in DNA synthesis for fat and amino acid metabolism.

Key Takeaways

  • Niacin (vitamin B3) helps maintain your cellular and DNA health.
  • Niacin can treat certain types of schizophrenia as the vitamin undoes the damage done to the brain.
  • Niacin deficiency can cause fatigue, indigestion, scaly rashes, vomiting, and memory loss.
  • Niacin helps treat erectile dysfunction and insomnia.
  • Excess niacin consumption can cause allergic reactions and irregular heartbeat.


Niacin is an important vitamin that can assist boost your health and wellness. Check out this video to understand more concerning this essential vitamin and its benefits.

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